Mandatory DUI Programs

If you’ve been convicted of a Santa Clara DUI, the court probably imposed a requirement that you complete a DUI education program, commonly known as DUI school or DUI Classes. Regardless of what name you’re using to refer to it, you must complete the DUI program within the timeframe set by the court. Also, the severity of the circumstances surrounding your DUI determines the length of the DUI program that you’re required to complete.

To assist you with choosing the right DUI program, we have included a variety of different programs that are available in Santa Clara, California.

All of the DUI education programs that we’ve listed on this page are APPROVED by the State of California and will satisfy the requirements of the court. The prices of the DUI programs differ depending on the location that you choose, so for the best pricing, contact the DUI program that’s closest to you and ask them how much they charge for the program.

If you’ve been convicted of a DUI in the State of California, you’re required to attend physical classes; you cannot attend or complete online classes, you must physically attend your DUI Class or program to fulfill the DMV and Court requirements. So, don’t listen to programs that tell that you can satisfy the requirements by completing an online program, physically attending is required in California.


The program that is most assigned for the first time DUI offense is the AB541. This is a Three (3) month DUI program that a convicted individual must attend. The course consists of thirty (30) hours of instruction on the impact of alcohol on daily life, as well as the dangers of drinking and driving. We’ve heard from our clients that the classes are scheduled once or twice a week, and they consist of lectures given by an instructor, as well as video presentations and group discussions.

For DUI offenses that involve injuries to persons or property or for individuals who were driving with an extremely high blood alcohol content above 0.14, the court may order them to complete a six (6) month course instead of the regular three-month course. The three month DUI program is known as the AB762.

If an individual was driving with a blood alcohol (BAC) level of above 0.20% and/or had a previous wet reckless conviction on his criminal record, the court can order the individual to complete a nine (9) month DUI program. Also, the 9 month DUI program is usually assigned to individuals who are involved in a severe traffic accident. The nine (9) month education class is referred to by the court as the AB1353 program.

For a Second Offense DUI, courts typically order the individual to complete an 18 month DUI education program. The 18-month program consists of twelve (12) hours of DUI education, fifty-two (52) hours of group sessions, and 6 hours of alcoholic anonymous or narcotics anonymous meetings.

If you’ve been convicted of a DUI in Santa Clara County, you should be aware that Santa Clara has made the penalties for second and subsequent DUIs much harsher. For example, it has added a 30 month DUI program for those convicted of a DUI for the second time and had an extremely high BAC level. Individuals convicted of their third DUI may also be ordered to complete the 30 month DUI program. If you’ve been instructed to complete this program, we’ve included a list of the available 30 month DUI programs located through the County of Santa Clara.


If you’ve been ordered to complete a DUI education program in Santa Clara County, you should keep in mind that you may be required to show the court proof of enrollment in a DUI program. Upon completion of the program, you must also submit proof of completion to the court. Please make sure that you comply with the court’s requirements because failing to do so could result in a warrant being issued for your arrest regardless of whether you enrolled or not. So, make sure you submit proof of enrollment to the court to avoid any additional consequences. We’ve seen countless warrants issued to persons who fail to submit proof of enrollment in the DUI program, as well as proof of completion of the DUI education program.


If you’ve been charged, arrested, or convicted of a DUI, please contact the experienced DUI attorneys at The H Law Group and keep in mind that you must comply with the requirements set forth by the court. Failing to enroll in or complete a DUI program could result in a warrant being issued for your arrest. So, read the documents provided to you by the court and follow the court’s orders to avoid additional legal troubles. If you’ve been arrested for a DUI, contact an experienced DUI lawyer, your lawyer may be able to assist you with avoiding having to enroll in a lengthy DUI program. That said, your attorney’s success depends on the facts of your case.