Heroin Possession Attorney

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Heroin Possession Attorney Los Angeles

If you or a loved one has been charged with heroin possession in Los Angeles or elsewhere in the State of California, you should immediately contact the Heroin Possession Attorney Los Angeles at The H Law Group. Our drug crime attorneys have the knowledge and experience to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Possession of heroin carries a maximum jail sentence of one year, as well as the payment of expensive court fees and fines. So, if you’ve been charged with or arrested for the possession of heroin, you should immediately contact a Los Angeles drug possession attorney at The H Law Group. Schedule your free consultation by filling out the contact form below or by calling us at (213) 370-0404.


It is illegal for an individual to have possession of heroin because heroin is a controlled substance. Heroin is one of the most addictive drugs currently present in the U.S. In the past, heroin was available as a drug that’s injected into the bloodstream; however, recently, heroin comes in a variety of other forms that can be snorted or smoked. Heroin is highly addictive; people are often hooked from the very first time they try heroin. It is extremely difficult for an individual addicted to heroin to stop using it. Once an individual decides to stop using it, he or she has severe withdrawal symptoms. As such, heroin is a controlled substance, and being caught with even a small amount of it can land you in jail. So, if you’ve been charged with having or possessing heroin under California Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 11350 HSC, you should immediately contact a Los Angeles heroin possession attorney at The H Law Group. Our attorneys have handled countless drug possession cases, so they will do all that they can to achieve the best possible results for you.


If an individual is convicted for misdemeanor possession of heroin under California Health and Safety Code Section 11350 HSC, an individual faces a maximum jail sentence of one year, as well as a fine of up to $1,000 for a first offense. The judge can order an individual to perform community service instead of paying the fine. For a second or subsequent offense, the jail term is the same, but the fine is increased to $2,000.


If you’ve been charged with or arrested for the possession of heroin, there are a number of defenses that your Los Angeles possession of heroin attorney can use to defend you. The first defense that your attorney can make, if supported by the facts of your case, is to challenge the search and seizure of the heroin you had in your possession. If, during the search and seizure, the law enforcement officer violated your constitutional rights, your attorney may be able to have the drugs thrown out, meaning they cannot be used against you as evidence. 

Without being able to introduce the heroin to the court, the prosecution cannot convict you. This will do one of two things: cause the prosecution to dismiss the case or cause them to negotiate a favorable plea deal for you. Of course, the facts of each case are different, and the only way to know which defenses apply to your case is to contact a Los Angeles heroin possession attorney at The H Law Group to defend you.


If you’ve been charged with having heroin or possession of heroin, you should immediately contact a heroin possession attorney at The H Law Group. If convicted of heroin, an individual faces a maximum of one year in county jail. So, if you’ve been charged with it, you should immediately call The H Law Group. Our heroin possession defense lawyers have the knowledge and experience necessary to achieve the best possible results for you.