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Is operating a drug house unlawful

Operating a drug house (also known as a "drug den") is illegal in the State of California. California state law (Health and Safety Code 11379.6 HS) prohibits the possession, sale, and use of certain controlled substances, such as illegal drugs like methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin. It is also illegal to maintain any place for the purpose of using, storing, or distributing controlled substances. This includes operating a house or other residence where controlled substances are used, stored, or sold. If someone is found to be operating a drug house, they could face criminal charges and penalties, including imprisonment and fines.

Unlawful Storage

In California, it is illegal to store controlled substances in a way that is not authorized by law. This includes storing controlled substances in a place that is not properly licensed or approved for storage, as well as storing controlled substances in a way that is not in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

If someone is found to be unlawfully storing controlled substances, they could face criminal charges and penalties, including imprisonment and fines. The specific charges and penalties will depend on the type and amount of controlled substances involved, as well as the circumstances of the case.

It is important to note that California law allows for the possession and storage of controlled substances in certain circumstances, such as for medical purposes with a valid prescription. It is only the unlawful possession and storage of controlled substances that is prohibited.

Unlawful Sales

In California, it is illegal to sell controlled substances without proper authorization. This includes selling controlled substances that are not authorized for sale, as well as selling controlled substances in a way that is not in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

If someone is found to be unlawfully selling controlled substances, they could face criminal charges and penalties, including imprisonment and fines. The specific charges and penalties will depend on the type and amount of controlled substances involved, as well as the circumstances of the case.

It is important to note that California law allows for the sale of certain controlled substances in certain circumstances, such as the sale of prescription drugs by a licensed pharmacy. It is only the unlawful sale of controlled substances that is prohibited.

Regardless of the classification of the offense, it is important that you seek the assistance of competent legal counsel to help you best understand your legal defense while identifying an outcome that best minimizes your risk. We here at the H Law Group patiently await your call.

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